Interested in singing great classical and concert music? Join us! We are comprised of singers of all ages, from all walks of life, and at all levels of musical experience. We're here because we enjoy singing and we value the rewards that come from performing great works of art. Music reading skills and/or prior choral experience are a plus, but not a hard and fast requirement—especially if you have a "good ear" for music.
Requirements to Join
Contact us prior to the start of each semester to express interest in joining. Semesters begin in August and January--see our schedule for more information. You can join any time through third rehearsal.
Pay a $50 registration fee per semester. Fees are waived for Plymouth State University and Plymouth High School Students.
Be able and willing to perform in our three concerts per semester. See our concert schedule for more information.
Be able to carry a tune and possess a love for singing! No auditions are needed, and it's okay if you don't read music or haven't sung in a long time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of music do you perform?
Our singers (and audiences) enjoy music that makes them both think and feel what it means to be truly human. That includes a good helping of European classical concert and sacred music, folk traditions from the USA and beyond, as well as dramatic music from Broadway and opera. Every other year we sing a major choral masterwork with orchestra.
What musical experience do I need?
Usually, new members have at least some choral singing background, though it's okay if it's been a while. No auditions or ability to read music are required. If you have a passion for singing and commitment to making the best music that you can, join us to develop your skills and enjoy the experience.
Who may join?
The chorus is open to adults of any age, as well as high school and college students.
Do I need to audition?
Pemi Choral Society is non-auditioned. There will be auditions for solos in select pieces, however.
When and where are rehearsals?
We rehearse on Monday nights from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Plymouth State University Silver Center for the Arts in Plymouth. There are also optional sectional rehearsals that focus on individual parts. Sectionals start at 6:30 pm and are strongly recommended. The fall semester begins the Monday before Labor Day and the spring semester begins in late January. If you are sick or traveling, you can join rehearsals via Zoom. See our Rehearsals page for up-to-date information.
When and where are concerts?
We typically have three concerts during the December holiday season—one in Gilford NH, one in Meredith NH, and one in Plymouth NH—and three concerts in early May at the same locations. See our Concerts page for more information.
What if I have to miss a rehearsal?
Each member is granted three excused absences each semester. Any more than three needs approval by the board. See our Absence Policy for more information.
What is the cost to participate?
There is a $50 membership fee each semester. This fee helps defray the cost of the new music that is purchased each semester. Members are also asked to help with fundraising activities throughout the year. Note: high school or college students do not have to pay a membership fee.